Welcome to the New York Mysteries: The Lantern of Souls WalkthroughIs this an ordinary murder case, or something more sinister?Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we're pretty sure you'll find what you're looking for here.This document contains a complete New York Mysteries: The Lantern of Souls game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!This walkthrough was created by Prpldva, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.
Walkthrough Menu
- General Tips
- Chapter 1: The Mansion Entrance
- Chapter 2: The Hall
- Chapter 3: The Bunker Entrance
- Chapter 4: The Prison Cell
- Chapter 5: The Opera Entrance
- Chapter 6: The Secret Room
- Chapter 7: The Train Wagon
General Tips
- This is the official guide for New York Mysteries: The Lantern of Souls.
- This guide will not mention each time you have to zoom into a location; the screenshots will show each zoom scene.
- Hidden-object puzzles are referred to as HOPs. This guide will not show HOP solutions. It will identify the location of the HOP and any inventory item acquired.
- This guide will show solutions for non-random puzzles. Please read the in-game instructions for each puzzle.
- In this game, you will sometimes have to select the new scene to trigger dialog, cut-scenes, or tasks prior to interacting with the scene.
Chapter 1: The Mansion Entrance
- Talk to the Security Guard (A).
- Open the car door (B).
- Take the NEWSPAPER and BAG (C).
- Open the bag; take the POWDER and PRESS PASS (inventory).
- Use the PRESS PASS; receive the KEY (D).
- Use the KEY; turn the handle (E).
- Walk forward.
- Take the TIE PIN (F).
- Unfold the TIE PIN (inventory).
- Take the BUCKET OF ICE and FORK (G).
- Move the 4 pillows; take the NEEDLE (H).
- Use the BUCKET OF ICE; take the MEDALLION (I).
- Place the NEWSPAPER (J); use the NEEDLE (K).
- Select the newspaper; take the KEY (L).
- Use the KEY (M).
- Walk forward.
- Take THOMAS'S DIARY and the ZIPPER; open the case and take the GAVEL (N).
- Combine THOMAS'S DIARY and MEDALLION; take the HINT (inventory).
- Take the BROKEN STAPLER (O).
- Press the panel; select (P).
- Place the HINT (Q).
- Select 5-7-3-5-3-3.
- Take the BOTTLE (R).
- Use the GAVEL on the BOTTLE; take the SHEET OF PAPER (inventory).
- Use the SHEET OF PAPER (S).
- Select the painting (T).
- Walk down.
- Use the ZIPPER; take the GLUE, UMBRELLA, and KEY (U).
- Extend the UMBRELLA (inventory).
- Walk down.
- Use the KEY (V).
- Take the FLASHLIGHT and SHOVEL (W).
- Use the SHOVEL; take the FIRE SYMBOL (X).
- Go forward.
- Place the FIRE SYMBOL (Y).
- Select (Z).
- Take the FIGURINE PARTS (I).
- Combine the FIGURINE PARTS and GLUE; restore the ANGEL STATUE (inventory).
- Walk forward.
- Place the ANGEL STATUE (J); use the FLASHLIGHT (K).
- Select (L).
- Go forward.
- Use the UMBRELLA and TIE PIN; take the HANDLE (N).
- Use the FORK; remove the grate (O).
- Take the MATCHES (P).
- Select (Q).
- Place the HANDLE (R).
- Select the pairs (color-coded).
- Walk left.
- Select (A).
- Take the CANDLE (B).
- Select (C).
- Take the ROPE and TWIG (D).
- Walk down.
- Use the TWIG; take the AXE and SHOVEL (E).
- Place the CANDLE; use the MATCHES (F).
- Select (G).
- Walk down.
- Use the SCISSORS; take the MAILBOX KEY and look at the images (J).
- Walk down.
- Select the arm (K).
- Arrange the images (L).
- Take the 1st COG (M).
- Use the SCISSORS; take the MITTEN (N).
- Walk down.
- Use the MAILBOX KEY; take the PARCEL (O).
- Open the PARCEL; use the STAMP RING and take the 1st EAGLE FIGURINE (inventory).
- Go forward 3x.
- Use the MITTEN (P).
- Use the SHOVEL (Q).
- Walk left.
- Use the AXE; take the HAMMER and HOOK (R).
- Combine the HOOK and ROPE to make the HOOK AND ROPE (inventory).
- Use the HOOK AND ROPE (S).
- Select (T).
- Use the SHOVEL (U).
- Walk down and forward.
- Select (A).
- Move the leaves; take the 2nd COG and STICK (B).
- Select (C).
- Use the HAMMER (D).
- Go to the Mansion Entrance.
- Select (E).
Chapter 2: The Hall
- Take the LETTER R (F).
- Talk to Bishop; earn the CODE (G).
- Place the CODE; press 4-5-1-3-enter (I).
- Walk left.
- Talk to Will (J).
- Remove the cover (K).
- Take the ALKALI (L).
- Use the GLASS OF JUICE; select the glass to take the GLASS OF WATER (M).
- Select (N).
- Place the GOLD MOUSE (P).
- Select Tx4-Q-R-T-Q-Rx2-S-Tx2-S-Rx2-Qx2-Rx2-S-T-S-Tx2-S-R-S-Rx2-Q-Tx2-R-Q-Tx2-S.
- Take the RAT (A).
- Place the RAT (B).
- Play the HOP; earn the CATALYST (C).
- Select (D).
- Read the instructions (F).
- Place the GLASS OF WATER (H) and CATALYST (I); place the ALKALI (G) and remove the cap.
- Use (J) on (G); use (J) on (H). Use (H) on (K); place (L) on (K).
- Use (I) on (M). Use (N) on (O); use (O) on (M).
- Place (P) on (M); use (Q) on (R).
- Use (S) on (T); take the RUST REMOVER.
- Walk down.
- Use the RUST REMOVER; open the door (A).
- Walk forward.
- Talk to Bishop (B).
- Take the FIREPLACE TONGS and RAG (C).
- Stand up the chair (D).
- Take the LETTER J; select the curtain rod (E).
- Place the LETTER J and LETTER R (F).
- Separate the BUNCH OF LOCKPICKS to find the LOCKPICK and SCREWDRIVER HANDLE (inventory).
- Walk down 2x.
- Use the LOCKPICK; take the REMOTE CONTROL (I).
- Walk forward 2x.
- Use the REMOTE CONTROL; take the SHAPE KEY (J).
- Go forward.
- Place and select the SHAPE KEY (K).
- Walk left.
- Use the RAG to make the OILY RAG (L).
- Walk down and forward.
- Use the OILY RAG; remove the bolt and take the WOODEN TONGS (M).
- Walk down and left.
- Use the WOODEN TONGS to take the 3rd COG (N).
- Place the 3 COGS; add the 2 cogs on the ground; press the button (O).
- Take the KEY (P).
- Walk down and forward.
- Use the KEY (Q).
- Play the HOP; earn the VALVE (R).
- Place and select the VALVE; take the CAR KEY (S).
- Open the door (A).
- Try the CAR KEY (B).
- Open the hood (C).
- Remove the cap (D).
- Return to the Lab.
- Use the FIREPLACE TONGS to take the DIRTY FUNNEL (E).
- Place the DIRTY FUNNEL to make the FUNNEL (F).
- Place the VACUUM DIODE; take the TAP HANDLE (H).
- Place the FUNNEL and TAP HANDLE; select the tap handle and take the JERRY-CAN (I).
- Return to the Cliff.
- Use the JERRY-CAN (J).
- Select (K).
- Place the ENGINE CHART (L).
- Connect the wires (M).
- Select N-O-P-O-Q.
- Enter (R).
Chapter 3: The Bunker Entrance
- Take the LAMP (A).
- Take the PICK-AXE (B).
- Use the PICK-AXE to take the BLUE MINERAL (C).
- Move the rocks and arm; take the FANCY DISC and SPELEOLOGIST'S DIARY (D).
- Read the SPELEOLOGIST'S DIARY; take the CHART (inventory).
- Place the FANCY DISC and open the case; take the BATTERY PACK, 1st STONE DETAIL, and CUTTERS (E).
- Combine the LAMP and BATTERY PACK to make the UV LAMP (inventory).
- Combine the CHART and UV LAMP; take the VENT SYSTEM CHART (inventory).
- Walk down.
- Use the CUTTERS to take the BARBED WIRE (F).
- Combine the STICK and BARBED WIRE to make the HOMEMADE BRUSH (inventory).
- Enter the manhole.
- Use the HOMEMADE BRUSH; select the panel (G).
- Swap the pieces as shown (H).
- Pieces in the correct position will drop down.
- Play the HOP; earn the LADDER (I).
- Place the LADDER (J).
- Select (K).
- Place the VENT SYSTEM CHART (L).
- Go forward, right, left, left, right, and left (1-6).
- Take the STONE (M).
- Take the REBAR (N).
- Use the STONE and turn the handle (O).
- Walk left.
- Use the REBAR; take the RUBBER GLOVE (P).
- Take the POT (Q).
- Use the POWDER and PICK-AXE; take the 1-3/4 YELLOW CRYSTALS (R).
- Walk down.
- Place the BLUE MINERAL (A); use the RUBBER GLOVE (B).
- Place the POT (C); select the crushed mineral (D); take the BLUE POWDER.
- Select (E).
- Walk left.
- Place the BLUE POWDER, close the lid, and select the switch (F).
- Talk to Will (G).
- Place the STONE FLOWER; take the 2nd STONE DETAIL (I).
- Walk down.
- Place the 2 STONE DETAILS; take the PYRAMID (J).
- Place the PYRAMID (K).
- You gain the POCKET WATCH.
- Use the PIECE OF ARMORED GLASS and open the box; Take the GAS MASK and FLARE GUN (L).
- Take the DOOR HANDLE and select the button (M).
- Talk to the Reaper (N).
- Walk right and left.
- Place and select the DOOR HANDLE (O).
- Go forward.
- Remove the blanket (P).
- Take the KNOB (Q).
- Use the PIECE OF ARMORED GLASS and take the FOLDER; take the 1st STETHOSCOPE PART (R).
- Read the FOLDER; take the SURGICAL CLAMP (inventory).
- Walk down.
- Use the SURGICAL CLAMP to take the TOKEN (S).
- Use the TOKEN and select the door (T).
- Play the HOP; earn the KEY (U).
- Walk down and forward.
- Use the KEY; take the ROPE AND HOOK (A).
- Place the KNOB; select 5x (B).
- Select Cx3 and Dx2; take the SCREWDRIVER (E).
- Walk right.
- Use the FLARE GUN (F); use the ROPE AND HOOK (G).
- Take the KEY and read the tag (H).
- Go forward.
- Use the KEY (I).
- Walk right; enter the new opening (J).
- Open the wallet; take the ID CARD (K).
- Select (L).
- Open the panel and select (N). Use the SCREWDRIVER and take the SCREWS (O).
- Select (P).
- Move the soldier on the indicated path (R).
- Take the KEY and SPRING (S).
- Combine the BROKEN STAPLER and SPRING to make the STAPLER (inventory).
- Go to the Infirmary.
- Use the STAPLER (T).
- Return to the Office.
- Flip the switch (W).
- Walk right (X).
Chapter 4: The Prison Cell
- Talk to Will (A).
- Use the KEY; take the HANDCUFFS (B).
- Move the rocks; take the 1st COINS (C).
- Walk down 2x.
- Place the HANDCUFFS; select the valve (D).
- Take the OIL CAN (E).
- Go to the Prison Cell.
- Use the OIL CAN (F).
- You earn the MECHANICAL ARM.
- Go to the Infirmary.
- Use the MECHANICAL ARM to take the FAUCET HANDLE (G).
- Place and select the FAUCET HANDLE (H).
- Open the lid; take the PLASTIC HEART (I).
- Select (J).
- Place the PLASTIC HEART.
- Place the pieces as indicated by the arrows (L-M).
- Take the KEY (N).
- Go to the Control Center.
- Use the KEY (A).
- Walk right.
- Enter the airshaft (B).
- Go to the Hall.
- Give the ID CARD; earn the KEY (C).
- Use the KEY and turn the handle (D).
- Enter Bishop's Office (E).
- Take the JACK (F).
- Take the 1st HANDLE (G).
- Go to the Hall of Fame.
- Use the SCREWDRIVER (H).
- Open the curtain and select (I).
- Swap the paintings as shown (J).
- Take the LEVER and WINCH HANDLE (K).
- Walk down.
- Place and select the WINCH HANDLE (L).
- Take the 2nd HANDLE (M).
- Enter Bishop's Office.
- Place and select the LEVER; open the envelope and take the PUNCHCARD (N).
- Return to the Secret Passage.
- Use the JACK; take the SAW (O).
- Walk down 3x.
- Use the SAW; take the METAL GRAPES (P).
- Go forward.
- Place and select the METAL GRAPES; take the 2nd STETHOSCOPE PART and 2nd COINS (Q).
- Combine the 2 STETHOSCOPE PARTS to make the STETHOSCOPE (inventory).
- Go forward.
- Place the STETHOSCOPE (R).
- Turn the dial to 9-3-0-6-8-2-1 (S).
- Select (T).
- Take the 2nd EAGLE FIGURINE (U).
- Go to the Bunker Entrance.
- Place the 2 COINS; take the 3rd EAGLE FIGURINE (A).
- Go to the Hall of Fame.
- Place the 3 EAGLE FIGURINES (B).
- Enter the manhole (C).
- Take the SLEDGEHAMMER (D).
- Place and select the 2 HANDLES; take the WELDING LAMP (E).
- Go to the Rock Ledge.
- Use the WELDING LAMP and SLEDGEHAMMER; open the chest (F).
- Take the CHAIN (G).
- Return to the Subway Tunnel.
- Place the CHAIN and close the cover (H).
- Use the PUNCHCARD (I).
- Open the door and select the lever (J).
Chapter 5: The Opera Entrance
- Talk to the Ticket Taker (K).
- Take the CANE (L).
- Talk to Henri (M).
- Use the CANE to take the TICKET (N).
- Give the TICKET to the Ticket Taker (K).
- Walk left.
- Take the DUST BRUSH (P).
- Walk down.
- Use the DUST BRUSH; take the THIN WIRE (Q).
- Bend the THIN WIRE to make the HOOK (inventory).
- Walk left.
- Use the HOOK to take the KEY (R).
- Use the KEY: take the CODE and UNIFORM (S).
- Walk forward.
- Take the 1st MASK (T).
- Place the CODE; push the buttons as indicated (U).
- Take the 1st PENNY (V).
- Open the door and select to play the HOP; you earn the PATTERN (W).
- Select (X).
- Place the PATTERN (A): use the pattern on the marked positions.
- Use the pattern on the marked positions (B).
- Use the pattern on the marked positions (C).
- Move the cups; take the BELL (D).
- Walk down.
- Place the BELL (E).
- Enter Backstage (F).
- Take the SUCTION CUP HOOK (G).
- Knock on the door; talk to the Singer (H).
- Take the HANDLE (I).
- Walk down 2x.
- Place and select the HANDLE; take the SOLVENT (J).
- Return to Backstage.
- Use the SOLVENT; take the KEY (K).
- Go to the Buffet.
- Place and select the SUCTION CUP HOOK; take the FLOUR SACK and SIPHON (L).
- Use the KEY and open the kit; take the PAINKILLERS and KNIFE (M).
- Place the SIPHON (N); select the glass (O) and use it on the bottle (P).
- Place the PAINKILLERS in the glass; take the PAINKILLERS (O).
- Return Backstage.
- Use the PAINKILLERS (R).
- Move the chairs and open the door (S).
- Play the HOP; earn the DRESS (T).
- Walk down 2x.
- Give the DRESS; earn the JEWELRY (A).
- Return the the Make-up Room.
- Place the JEWELRY; take the WIRE CUTTERS and AIR HORN (B).
- Walk down.
- Use the WIRE CUTTERS; take the GAFF and ADAPTER (C).
- Open the door and walk right.
- Place the ADAPTER; select the plug (D).
- Remove the empty sack and place the FLOUR SACK (E).
- Set the levers as shown (F).
- Take the PAINTER'S SET (G).
- Walk down 3x.
- Use the GAFF; take the WRENCH (H).
- Use the PAINTER'S SET (I).
- Use the color combinations of paints on the picture (J-N).
- You earn the 2nd MASK.
- Return to the Make-up Room.
- Select (Q).
- Place the 2 MASKS; swap the masks to the shown positions (R).
- Take the PIECE OF PATTERN (S).
- Walk down and right.
- Place the PIECE OF PATTERN, open the crate, and take the WOODEN SWORD (A).
- Walk down.
- Use the WOODEN SWORD and open the door (B).
- Walk left.
- Use the KNIFE; take the MUSIC BOX DRUM (C).
- Take the FILE (D).
- Walk down and forward.
- Open the lid and place the MUSIC BOX DRUM; take the FRAGMENT and 2nd PENNY (E).
- Walk down 2x.
- Use the TWO CENTS; select the button and lever. Take the SOUVENIR (F).
- Go to Tuner's Room.
- Place and select the FRAGMENT; take the WHEEL (G).
- Walk down and right.
- Place the WHEEL. Move the wheelbarrow and open the door (H).
- Walk left.
- Use the WRENCH; take the CHAIN (I).
- Move the 2 boxes to (J).
- Take the GLASS CUTTER and BRICK (K).
- Go to Tuner's Room.
- Place the CHAIN (M).
- Turn the wheel (N).
Chapter 6: The Secret Room
- Place the SOUVENIR: take the KEY (O).
- Use the BRICK to take the DECORATIVE TILE (P).
- Place the POCKET WATCH; take the SYMBOLS (Q).
- Walk down.
- Use the KEY and turn the handle (R).
- Play the HOP; earn the VIOLIN (S).
- Walk left.
- Place the VIOLIN (T).
- Take the 1st REAPER FIGURINE (U).
- Go to the Back Courtyard.
- Place and select the DECORATIVE TILE; take the 2nd REAPER FIGURINE (A).
- Return to the Hall of Fame.
- Use the GLASS CUTTER; take the HELMET (B).
- Walk to Bishop's Office.
- Use the AIR HORN (C).
- Take the RULER (D).
- Select (E).
- Place the RULER (F).
- Arrange the books as shown (G).
- Walk right.
- Take the PATTERN (H).
- Return to the Prison Cell.
- Use the FILE; move the lever (I).
- Play the HOP; earn the SAFE HANDLE (J).
- Go to the Bunker Entrance.
- Place and turn the SAFE HANDLE (K).
- Take the 1st TANK and 3rd REAPER FIGURINE (L).
- Read the clipboard (M).
- Go to the Office.
- Select (N).
- Arrange the figurines as shown (O).
- Take the TELESCOPE LENS and read the diary (P).
- Return to the Secret Room.
- Place and select the TELESCOPE LENS (Q).
- Go to the Subway Tunnel.
- Talk to Will; earn the KEY (R).
- Go to the Office.
- Use the KEY; take the MEDAL (S).
- Go to Bishop's Office.
- Place the MEDAL; take the KEY (T).
- Use the KEY; take the POWDER SACK (U).
- Return to the Subway Tunnel.
- Use the POWDER SACK and push the plunger (A).
- Walk left.
- Take the WHEEL and LAMBDA SYMBOL (B).
- Place the HELMET; take the BOOMERANG (C).
- Walk down.
- Use the BOOMERANG to take the EXPANDER (D).
- Walk down.
- Place the LAMBDA SYMBOL (E).
- Select (F).
- Restore the images (G-L).
- Take the 4/4 YELLOW CRYSTAL (M).
- Walk down.
- Place the 4 YELLOW CRYSTALS (N).
- Select the lever (O).
- Place the PATTERN (J).
- Select 1-4; take the OMEGA SYMBOL (K).
- Go forward.
- Place the OMEGA SYMBOL (L).
- Select (M).
- Arrange the numbers as shown (N).
- Take the 1st ACTIVATION KEY and read the note (O).
- Return to the Arsenal.
- Use the EXPANDER; take the TOWER (P).
- Walk down 3x.
- Place the TOWER; take the STONE LION HEAD (Q).
- Go to the Archives.
- Place the STONE LION HEAD; take the MEDALLION (R).
- Place the WHEEL (S).
- Select (T).
- Enter 9872, pull the lever, and take the PUNCHCARD (V).
- Go to the Hall of Fame.
- Place the MEDALLION; take the 2nd Tank (A).
- Go to the Arsenal.
- Place the 2 TANKS; select and take the WEAPON (B).
- Walk down.
- Use the PUNCH CARD (C).
- Open the doors and select the lever (D).
Chapter 7: The Train Wagon
- Place the pipe (E) in the doors (F).
- Walk right.
- Take the PLIERS and BOLT CUTTERS (G).
- Walk down.
- Use the PLIERS; take the WEAPON (H).
- Walk right.
- Use the WEAPON (I).
- Use the BOLT CUTTERS (J).
- Go forward.
- Take the WRENCH (K).
- Walk down.
- Use the WRENCH; take the FIRE EXTINGUISHER (L).
- Walk down.
- Use the FIRE EXTINGUISHER; take the CROWBAR (M).
- Walk right and forward.
- Use the CROWBAR (N).
- Take the PATTERN and remove the batteries (O).
- Select (P).
- Place the PATTERN (Q).
- Connect the 4 sets (R).
- Go forward.
- Take the PIERCING TOOL (A).
- Walk down 2x.
- Use the PIERCING TOOL to take the CORK (B).
- Walk down.
- Use the CORK; take the RUBBER BOOTS and BELT (C).
- Go right and forward 2x.
- Use the RUBBER BOOTS (D).
- Walk right.
- Take the LASSO and use the BOLT CUTTERS; open the doors (E).
- Play the HOP; earn the KEY (F).
- Move the items; take the ELECTRIC PROD (G).
- Open the ELECTRIC PROD; take the BATTERIES (inventory).
- Walk down.
- Use the KEY, open the case, and take the FIRE HOSE (H).
- Walk down.
- Select the hydrant and add the FIRE HOSE (I).
- Place the BATTERIES (J).
- Enter 6-5-3 (K).
- Take the JACK (L).
- Walk down.
- Use the JACK (M).
- Select and open; take the COFFEE MACHINE HANDLE (N).
- Place and select the COFFEE MACHINE HANDLE (O).
- Select (P); take the HOT COFFEE (Q).
- Return to the Security Room.
- Open the freezer and use the HOT COFFEE; take the MAGNET (A).
- Combine the ELECTRIC PROD, MAGNET, and BELT to make the MAGNET ON A STICK (inventory).
- Walk down.
- Use the MAGNET ON A STICK to take the FUSE (B).
- Open the panel and select (C).
- Place the FUSE.
- Swap the fuses as shown; flip the switches (D).
- Press the button (E).
- Walk left.
- Use the LASSO (F).
- Walk down 2x.
- Select (G). Earn the 2nd ACTIVATION KEY.
- Return to the Observation Deck.
- Place the 2 ACTIVATION KEYS (H).
- Place the SYMBOLS (I).
- Select M-L-K-J-M-L-K-N-M-N.
- Congratulations! You have completed New York Mysteries: The Lantern of Souls!
Created at: 2016-05-01